Crochet Tutorial, Yarn Designs

Berry Stitch Tutorial

Last week was a whirlwind! By the time Friday night came around, I had no idea where my days went. However, I was standing in from of my printer with a PDF of the pattern I had been crafting for the last two weeks. What an accomplishment, and sense of joy, it was to know that I had created this!

The Cliffrose Headband pattern was sent to testers last weekend! The work they’ve been doing is beautiful, and the feedback is even better! This adventure in pattern writing has been exciting and inspiring! It’s been more work than I ever thought, and a little exhausting at times. Usually that means it’s all worth it. If all goes according to plan, this time next week I’ll release the pattern!

Until then, I wanted to highlight one of the stitches I chose for the pattern—the Berry Stitch. It’s delicate and bobbly without giving too much texture. It is the perfect comparison to the little berries that grow on the Cliffrose Shrub right outside my front door.

Here’s what you’ll need to practice the Berry Stitch..

Yarn (I choose a worsted weight cotton)
Corresponding Hook (I’m using an H/8—5.00mm)
A little time
A little patience

YO = yarn over
CH = chain
ST = stitch
SC = single crochet

First, create a chain of any multiple of 2. I did a chain of 14 for this tutorial. A foundation single crochet (FSC) can be used as well. Here’s a great tutorial from Persia Lou to get you started!

Row 1 : SC in the 2nd CH from hook. SC in every ST until the end. CH 1. Turn.

Now we’re on to the Berry Stitch row!

Make a Berry Stitch as follows..
YO, insert hook into the next ST, YO, pull through ST, YO, pull through ONE loop on the hook, YO, insert hook into same ST, YO, pull through all 5 loops on hook.

SC in first ST, YO
Insert hook into next ST
YO and pull through
YO and pull through ONE loop on hook
YO and insert hook into same ST
YO and pull through
YO and pull through all 5 loops on hook. Berry is complete!

Let’s add it into Row 2..

Row 2: SC in the first ST. *Berry ST in the next ST. SC in the next ST.* Repeat *…* until the end. CH 1. Turn.

Row 2 complete, Right Side facing

Repeat Rows 1-2 as many times as you need.

This Berry Stitch is lovely and I hope you’ll be able to use it in your next project!

Life, Yarn Designs

Farmers Market Bag

This beauty was started last Fall and finished this Spring. Right on time for pursuing farmers markets on the weekends. A long time dream of mine is to shop weekly at a farmers market. Buy all the produce I need, and then supplement from the grocery store. One day, when my national park living is over, I’ll make a point to live in a town. For the mean time, I can make these little treasures for you all. Can’t you see the tops of carrots and kale peeking from the brim?!

This is not my pattern, but it can be found here from Just Be Crafty Blog. It is pretty straight forward, and easy to follow. I already want to make another one! My only mistake was not reading the correct amount of yarn needed. Y’all. I went back to my local-ish Michael’s THREE times to pick up more yarn. Hah! Thankfully, the store had the same dye lot each time, because not all grays are equal. Lesson learned? Do my math and buy more yarn than needed. If you like this finished product, it’s available in my Etsy shop. Want a different color? I would be more than happy to make you one!

What I love about this project is not only the lessons learned from my mistakes, but the symbolism for being in a season of putting things down. I can’t even remember why I stopped working on this bag—besides running out of yarn. Since January, I kept finding myself putting things down. Sometimes by choice. Sometimes by force. There’s been expected, and unexpected, travel for David’s work leading to major shifts in my priorities and how I run my home. Many, many impromptu hangouts with family and friends that fill my soul, and leave my home’s surfaces dusty. Owen started day care a few hours a week in January, and that sacrificed a weekly play date with other mommas. I started a new business that led to less crochet and writing time. Running has taken a back burner, because I’m focused more on long walks with Owen and the mutts.

For most of the year I’ve felt a slight tension, like my shoes are always tied a little too tight. For most of the year I categorized that tension as wrong and needing release. Unfortunately, that left me with being pulled in every. single. direction. Not fun, and exhausting. I’m still unearthing exactly what season I’m in. (I really really like things to be exact.) However, as I finished up this bag last week, the epiphany came to me. It’s okay to put things down for a while, and it doesn’t mean it’ll never be picked back up again. Running consistently WILL come back to me. This isn’t the season for it. Meal planning and cleaning WILL become a joy to me again. Right now, David and I are focused on acing our budget. One day, Owen will be in school full time and I won’t have these impromptu, soul filling hangouts watching all the toddlers run around. (Seriously, I’d rather spend my life around these people every day than cleaning my house.)

Whatever season you find yourself in, acknowledge it. If you’ve put something down, even if it’s good and you miss it, chances are you’ll pick it back up one day. Just like my little market bag.